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    Ing. Michele Nicolardi
    Bachelor Degree in Information Technology

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Work with us

Check the availability of working positions in Crian Edil

Crian Edil soc. coop. is a rising young firm, leader in its sector.

We are looking for specialized and expert professionals;
serious motivation, interest and commitment are required:

  • Excavator operators with proved and/or dated experience
  • Plumber workers
  • Workers specialized in the NO-DIG sector

Send us your application by filling the following form:
(camps marked with "*" are required; at least a telephone number or e-mail adress is also needed, together with a list of your past activities or a file with your curriculum vitae)

By filling this form, I authorise the use of my personal data in compliance with the D.lgs 196/2003.

crian edil video-inspections excavation excavator weeding plants sewing sewer water potable drinkable hydro sewage gas pipeline cleaning packer redevelopment reclamation sections maintenance pipes repairing artesian well works aqueduct acquedotto pugliese consorzio ciro menotti ccm general association italian cooperatives agci san giorgio taranto videoinspections bulldozer resin polymerization pressure tubular resistance flow workers professional specialized job offer